Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Holidays Stress or Excitement?

Holidays are always a time of year that can either be totally exciting, family oriented and warming. However some view the holidays as a very stressful season having to plan, purchase gifts and cook.
Before my daughter was born I didn't mind to work on the holidays, didn't really have a bond with my dad that was important to spend the holidays with and the family I did have was my daughters God Family and I made sure I made my appearance in their presence because I cared a lot about them.
However before working on a holiday was not a bad thing to me, I was lonely and well spent several holidays at the movies or at a high school boyfriend's house.
Young and without a close relationship with family I never cared much for holidays or it made me sad in reminding me the hurting relationship I had with my mother.

After I had my daughter and even months before I had her the holidays were exciting for me, family oriented because I was to start my own little family with her. She would be my world and nothing could change that. I couldn't wait to start buying her Christmas gifts and decorating a tree for her. Her first Christmas she was so blessed beyond belief that I look forward to it every year. Her first time opening gifts, getting clothes, toys from her God Family, daycare, her Papa and other family members. It made me never want to work on a holiday again.
I loved the idea of dressing her up in a Christmas dress and her being so beautiful and perfect.

This year will be another exciting family oriented holiday. A new addition to the family with my God Sister being pregnant with her first child, and a new family to visit by our engagement.
She will have a very blessed Christmas with her Papa, God Family and now Daniel's family. I cannot say how excited I am about the vast amount of families we will be around this year.

Christmas 2014 hurry on because I've already started the shopping.