Sunday, August 17, 2014



So one of the frustrations I am dealing with right is getting my daughter potty trained. It is becoming more frustrating, annoying and my patience is rather thin. She is just getting lazy and doesn't care if she pees all over herself, on the bed, couch or poops in her panties. She just lays there and it is so frustrating. She knows how to go potty when she wants to, she knows how to pull her panties down and get on the big potty but chooses not to unless she's bribed with something or if something is taken away.

She has been in pull ups now since February when she turned 3 and well she thinks their just a diaper and its okay to go in them. At home I let her run around with no bottoms on at all and she'll go on her own, however when I put her in panties she thinks their like pull ups and pees in them and poops in them. I work full time and go to school full time so my time with her isn't as ideal as most mothers who can sit at home full time and have them potty trained at the age of 2. I don't have that perfect lifestyle and depend on many others praying they are working with her as well as I am when I am not around.
I just want her to learn to go in the potty even when she has on panties. I have done the rewards, the potty chart, the taking things away and even discipline but nothing is working and my patience is wore out. Today she peed on the couch and I nearly lost my mind. I bought brand new furniture back in February with the thoughts that "peeing on the couch" was over with.

She begs to go to school, and I would love to put her in preschool however she can't go if she can't figure out how to go potty and that is not only frustrating but frightening thinking your child won't ever figure out to go potty and their stuck at home on some online school with barely any friends. She loves making friends, she loves people and it would be sad she can't go to school. My daughter has a big bladder, she goes potty or can fill up a diaper more than the normal baby or child. She has always been like that since she was born, I went through diapers more then many other moms I know. She could drink one bottle and the diaper was overflowing.
I've tried limiting her drinks at night time especially then she just wines, complains and cries cause she can't have a drink. I usually give in because if she is truly thirsty I'm taking her cup away and that bothers me.
Help me fellow moms. I'm out of options, out of patience and about to give up.
Yes I've taken her to the doctor and he just said some kids don't learn till their 5!!!!!!!!! that's ridiculous she needs to be potty trained by 5 if I plan on getting her in school.

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