Wednesday, August 13, 2014

All mothers should do this.....

So when I had my daughter I was like any new mother...scared and nervous. I was even more a nervous wreck cause of the situation I was in. However I knew one thing that every new mom feels LOVE!!!
You fall in love with that baby before meeting him or her, or grow a connection at the first heartbeat hearing, the first ultrasound, the finding of the gender you yearn for the kicks and movement. But on day that its time to push you are ready but you are so NERVOUS.....and nervous to go home with that bundle of joy. You question everything you are doing and if they don't cry you think "I got this!"

However one thing I am glad I did as a new mother is hold on to keepsakes and a journal written throughout her first year of life.
I bought a flower hard back journal and kept dates and wrote any and everything I could about her, her days, my days, her firsts, her bad days and more.
Because we are only human we can remember what we choose however as a mother we can't remember EVERYTHING about our new one and wish we could as we grow older. So I pulled her journal out the other day when cleaning out her closet and read through it. It brought me to tears. Because so many things I am glad I wrote about.
Like how hard it was for her to breath after coming home from the hospital, and her first cold and sore throat. Her bad days, her good days and family memories.
These are times her little mind will never recall for herself but she will have this journal to read when she gets older to refer back to as well.

I also kept many "first" outfits. Her first pair of shoes, her first jelly sandals, her first photo shoot outfit. Many people may say oh that's hoarding however I only takes up one bin and barely even that.
I want her to see it when she's older. I remember always wondering about myself when I was a baby and asking question and my mom or dad saying "well that was a long time ago."
I want Cintia to see the physical I want her to read and recap it as if she is there.

That first year of life for your new baby is the most important year because it is the one that becomes "so long ago"
Every mom should keep a keepsake journal of their new baby. Pictures only go so far, but writing out the day and every thing is so great to read more than any book.

I hate to think of if something were to happen to me but its also something to cherish for cintia if the worse happened.

so not only LOVE that new baby LOVE the memories you can hold onto and cherish later.

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